How to get Involved


Anna volunteered in the West Bengal project for several months before continuing her studies. For Anna it was a major milestone of change in her life.


Sarah Kirwan, a U.K. criminal police officer, took a year sabbatical to work with us. Here Sarah is serving at the Christmas dinner for the poor

Dear Reader/Friend,

Thank you for your interest in our work. You are invited and very welcome to visit our projects and your help will be greatly appreciated. If you can help teach whether it is spoken English, do an Art Project or you just desire to play football or cricket with the children then know that your talents will be valued.

If volunteering is too difficult and you instead wish to support our work the please do not hesitate to contact us as this is a priceless opportunity to give to a worthwhile project.

Print madhu frooti to kids

Devilal, Haryana: Volunteers bringing juice and giving a helping hand during Children’s Day Celebration 2014

Drop us a line at: as to where you are and we will contact you.

For those wishing to financially help there are three options:

  • Send it directly to ‘Calcutta Marudyan’ via our F.C.R.A. (Foreign Currency Receiving Account) in India.
  • From India donations should be made to “Calcutta Marudyan”. You receive the receipt with a copy of our 80G ITO exemption certificate.
  • Donations via Marudyan UK charity and JustGiving in the UK (Pls. specify Calcutta Marudyan)

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