
ODISHA (a.k.a. Orissa) – Eastern Ghat mountains

Tunu on his way to open new Marudyan Learning Centres


xIn the heart of Odisha we find in the ‘Eastern Ghats’. These are virtually inaccessible mountains and jungles where we find the beautiful Tribal mountain people who live in scattered villages without any nearby education. The people speak Kui, which is a spoken language without script. In these localities we have started, since December 2013, ‘Marudyan Learning Centres’. Now the out-of-school children and adults are able to learn basic hygiene and get instruction in the crucial academic skills such as math, reading, writing and general knowledge. At present we have 78 Learning Centres with over 2000 children.

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Visiting the village of the father that spoke up. The children and parents were thrilled to learn and Satya is a inspired teacher. The schoolhouse is in the left hand corner.

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One of the 75 Learning Centres, counting 18 to 43 children

During the recent parent meeting this father stands up and says. Sir, our village is Hindu and we are illiterate tribal people. We did not want our children to grow up like us. However we had lost all hope for an education for our children in our village. Then Satya, your teacher, came and he offered to teach our children. We could hardly believe it as we have been let down so much. We had a meeting with the elders and him. He started teaching and now our children can read and write. He travels every day seven kilometers to teach our children and we are so thankful that we made him a schoolhouse.”


Are we thankful? You bet we are!


The tribal women have their ears pierced with many earrings and have tatooed lines on their face

All the parents and teachers, without exception,  commented how the atmosphere has changed in their villages because of the schools. People that last year refused to talk to each other are now communicating. Numerous parents traveled more than 150 km to attend our parent teacher meeting and kept expressing their appreciation.


Instructing the tribal ladies about the importance of adult literacy



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Our School- a Beehive of Activity

Devilal is a migrant area where 2/3 of the families are BPL (Below Poverty Line). Due to the incredible conditions that we saw there we decided to rent a house right around the corner and make it a school. Click here to see video of the school.

On July 1st 2010, we opened ‘Marudyan Learning Centre’ in Devilal Colony. Although we started with 15 children, within 5 weeks we passed the 100 mark. At present we have 234 children enrolled and 190 attending. The numbers vary from day to day as the children are from migrant, day-labour and rag-picking families that move around frequently. It is heartbreaking at times as the children leave quietly sometimes with tears in their eyes when they move on. We comfort ourselves with the thought that at least they learned to read and write.

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“I don’t know if I like getting against these diseases

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Thankful that we can have uniforms like the rich children

Due to financial pressure we needed to close the school. However at the last moment it was designed above that we met members of the ADP (Architect Design Partners) management who came to our rescue with a monthly donation that covers around 60% of our operational expenses. ADP is a British company with a branch office in India and they make their monthly donation through Marudyan-UK. Thank You ADP for your active participation. www.adp-architecture.com

West Bengal

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How we started in 1999


Our project in Dhanpota, West Bengal started in 1999 in a rice-shed. It is now an educational institute with just below four hundred students. At present we have over 300 children attending and 80 adults receiving Vocational Training. Click here to watch a video of the school


Little by little it has grown into an Educational Institute

Ready to go home


Class VII Students grown up in our Rural School


More than 500 people passed through our Sewing Course

Due to our good friend Mr. Gianni Cainelli we made contact with APIBiMI, an Italian charity. Apibimi decided to make a group sponsorship for 100 children, which was recently upped to 120.

This along with help towards the cost of the vocational training programme covers 90 percent of the operational expenses of this project West Bengal project. Thank you dear friends in Italy, we count it an honour to have partnered with you these many years. Please visit their site. apibimi.org


Yeah, it is lunch time. Let’s go!