Recent Activities

January 2021 
Blanket distribution in the Jungles of Odisha for the cold winter nights. (click on the photo to see more)
Summer 2021 – Thousands of packages of food distributed to those in need. (click on the photo to see more)

Christmas was very special this year. We had received sponsorship from ADP for this programme to have a Christmas dinner for a thousand children, the numbers went way over.

The main Christmas event we celebrated in the heart of Calcutta at the grounds of the Loretto School for the children of the Tangra Slum and everyone came dressed in their very best clothes. This is a predominant Muslim slum area and most of the people are labourers in the leather tanning industries.

We organized this together with Seva Kendra volunteers, who are actively working in this slum. With each group of 15 to 20 children was a volunteer. So it was a well managed event with great fun, games, prizes, carols, snacks and cake for all. An amazing day to remember. The pictures speak for themselves. Upon departure each child took home their Christmas dinner, chicken biryani, to share with their family. The biryani was excellent. I know, because when the cleanup was done and everyone was gone, I sat with my good friend Mr. Sethi under a tree where we enjoyed our Christmas dinner together.

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The children in the Gurgaon school all received new sweaters sponsored by ADP to keep warm during the cold winter days. When I was there the temperature fell to five degrees Celsius, which is very cold as the houses don’t have central heating so it is the same temperature inside as outside. Making a bonfire outside helps the neighbourhood to get together in the evenings and warm themselves before tucking in for the night. You can understand the sweaters are well appreciated.


With thanks and appreciation

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